John Davey's story is more than a tale of bad things happening to good people. It is a story about facing obstacles, small and large, and inspiring strategies and mindsets for overcoming each one.
Resilience is not just about attitude - it is also about strategy, clear thinking, and getting results both large and small.

Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient. Simply put, stuff happens, it happened to me, I deal with it.
John Davey

Corporate engagement

“[The students] greatly appreciated the opportunity to spend time hearing about your experiences. I have both been really pleased with the insights and reflections the students have had around disability and our role as health professionals – the subject has definitely had the impact that we were hoping for and challenge their thoughts and ideas.”
College of Science, Health & Engineering, La Trobe University
“You share an inspiring message. It has been easy to wallow in negative thoughts during these Covid years but you have a great perspective.”
Australian Communications & Media Authority
“What a terrific message. John's insights into getting out of the doldrums actually help me getting out of the Covid doldrums.”
ABC listener